Strong and Sculpted
in Perimenopause
Get Leaner, Stronger, Fitter, and More Powerful even while your hormones are changing!
Perimenopause is an important transition in our lives and spans the 5-10 year period before our menstrual cycle stops (menopause). One of its hallmarks is changes in our estrogen and progesterone, both their levels with one another (imbalances) and their slow decline.
These changes can make you feel like your body is a stranger to you, it’s not responding like it used to, you have more aches and pains, and starts to create a host of compounding symptoms like energy imbalance, weight gain, muscle loss, hot flashes, dry skin and more.

This phase of life should be one we’re talking about more, and being supported in more - but it’s very underserved and under-represented.
You deserve better. And you deserve to FEEL better.
The more we know, the more effectively we can act to manage the hormone shifts, lose body fat, support our valuable muscle tissue, bone density, energy balance, and sense of self.

I see Perimenopause like a rite of passage, a doorway we pass through into the next level of our lives as women.
We’ve earned the wisdom of our years so far, and we’re going to set ourselves up in this phase of life to enjoy what comes next in strong, fit bodies that are capable and resilient...
So let’s get PERIMENO-FIT!
Here's How It Works
PerimenoFit™ is a custom 8 week strengthening and fat loss program designed for women in perimenopause.
Here’s what’s included in your 8-week
optimized Perimenopause Training program

Low Impact Strength Training Workouts:
3 custom tracks to meet you where you’re at
Sculpt and strengthen lean muscle and improve bone density with guided workout videos that always include form guidance, modification options for different fitness levels and a fun follow along with Coach Betty Rocker!
- Bodyweight track (uses a towel) 20-25 min workouts
- Home equipment track (uses dumbbells, optional band, optional exercise ball) 25-30 min workouts
- Gym equipment (uses dumbbells, barbells, exercise ball, bench) 35-40 min workouts
- All 3 options are available for any workout, allowing you ultimate flexibility to switch between them if you like, or build from one to the next.
HIIT Workouts: Bodyweight plyometrics
Mobilize more fat in less time, and control the intensity of your workout. Form tips plus low to high impact options are always included.
- 4 minute tabata interval training to get your heart rate up in short burst cardio sessions
- Option to skip the HIIT video on days you want to focus more on low impact training

Warmups and Cooldowns
Improve your flexibility and joint health with self care around your workouts. This becomes important to pay attention to in perimenopause, as we lose collagen and elastin as we age.
- Dynamic warmup videos for each workout to prep your muscles for maximum output. (2-4 min)
- Custom cooldown stretches, designed to relax warm muscle tissue and reduce soreness. (3-5 min)
- Warmups and cooldowns are elective, and can be used or skipped depending on your time availability.
Yoga Classes and Mobility Drills
Improve your body awareness and the health of your muscle tissue and joints with these fun sequences that will leave you feeling limber and accomplished.
- Guided athletic Yoga sessions to connect the body and mind, improve flexibility and use as a low impact activity on a non-workout day. (20-25 min)
- Guided mobility sessions to bring more awareness to our movement patterns, improve joint health and use as a self care activity on a non-workout day. (20-25 min)

PeriMenoFit™ Cookbook and Eating Guide
Improve your gut health and support your workouts with these balanced protein-rich, high fiber recipes for women in Perimenopause and beyond.
- Eating Guide that puts the information you need to support good gut health and boost your protein intake in Perimenopause, so you can apply it to your own recipes and meals for years to come!
- 50 tasty Recipes, including Smoothies, Breakfasts, 1-pot and 1 pan Entrees, Vegetarian entrees and bonus high protein Snacks to get you on the right track!
Special Bonus Gifts
The Perimenopause Essentials Guide

A detailed guide to understanding what’s happening with our hormones in perimenopause, plus the essential guide to training, nutrition, and the things you do around your workoutsthat have the biggest impact on hormone regulation and fat loss.
Workout Trackers

PerimenoFit™ is a progressive strength training program, where you’ll see the core workouts in the program again so you can watch yourself progress.
Your printable trackers are the perfect spot to record your training sessions and follow your progress!
Supportive Coaching Emails

While you’re following the program, you’ll get supportive emails from me a couple times a week to check in on you and provide you with encouragement and information about getting the most out of your training!
30 Days Access to My Dinner Plan

No catch or hidden charges, just a bonus access to the first month of my popular eating program, My Dinner Plan - that includes healthy entrees for lunch and dinner to help you continue to eat healthy and practice the principles you’ll learnin the PerimenoFit™ Healthy Eating and Recipes Guide!

Coach Betty Rocker
Who is Betty Rocker? Betty Rocker is me! My name is Bree Argetsinger, but I was called “Punk Rock Betty Crocker” since I was a little girl - which morphed into Betty Rocker! I’m a certified trainer, nutrition specialist and motivator of personal growth, and I support women all over the world of all ages as they transform inside and out.
This program will help you in perimenopause by….

- ...providing you with workouts that challenge you effectively so you can get results - without burning you out.
- …putting you in control of customizing your workout each day, so you can look forward to your training and balance your energy!
- …sculpting and strengthening your muscle tissue for better body composition, faster fat loss, stronger bones, a strong immune system, and the ability to handle all life throws your way.
- …giving you the nutrition guidance to support your gut health and the effectiveness of your workouts.
- …helping you build stress resilience with guided self care activities to manage cortisol levels and hormone balance.
- …giving you the tools to support your changing hormones and transition to the NEXT LEVEL of your life in a strong, fit body you love!


PerimenoFit™ 8-week Program ($374 value) + Bonuses ($167 value) = $514 Value

100% Money Back GUARANTEE
I know that this information and this program will have an incredibly positive impact on your life, because not only am I living it, I see it, and I read about it from the women who have experienced these benefits already.
But I know you have already been on a journey getting here, and I trust that you know what’s best for yourself. At the end of the day, if this isn’t the right fit for you, or doesn’t create change in your life, don’t sweat it. You can return it within 60 days and get your money back, no questions asked.
Bree Argetsinger CEO The Betty Rocker, Inc