A quality night's rest will...

  • Improve memory, alertness and focus
  • More efficiently break down fat
  • More efficiently add lean muscle
  • Balance and improve mood
  • Heal and restore the body each day

Taking this product I was able to get to sleep no problem, I stayed asleep and I didn't wake up throughout the night like I usually do.

- Sherri J

Whole Sleep

Support your body’s natural sleep cycle with Whole Sleep: to help you fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up refreshed!


Products are automatically delivered on your schedule. No obligation, modify or cancel your subscription anytime.


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A quality night's rest will...

  • Improve memory, alertness and focus
  • More efficiently break down fat
  • More efficiently add lean muscle
  • Balance and improve mood
  • Heal and restore the body each day

Wake up Refreshed

Upgrade Your Sleep for a Strong Body, Healthy Mind and Rocking Life!!!

Refreshed woman waking up.

Whole Sleep is a blend of herbs and organic compounds that support your body’s natural sleep cycle. It will help you fall asleep - and stay asleep - so you wake up refreshed and energized, and ready to ROCK your day without the after effects commonly associated with sleeping pills.

Two bottles of whole sleep.

Is poor quality sleep affecting you? do you experience:

  • Lack of focus, energy and alertness
  • Slow recovery after excercising
  • Stubborn body fat, or struggle to put on lean muscle
  • Trouble falling asleep
  • Trouble staying asleep
  • Grogginess or regular tiredness during the daytime
  • Poor memory and recall
  • Slower results - even when following a balanced diet and exercise plan

Sometimes, our sleep suffers because of things like...

Woman unable to fall asleep.
  • Anxiety, stress or racing thoughts
  • Overexposure to light, after dark
  • Physical or Mental Overstimulation Close to Bedtime
  • Aches and Pains
  • Eating or drinking too close to Bedtime
  • Irregular Bedtimes
  • Noise or Disruption

Tune into your 5 senses to create better sleep, naturally.

And when that’s not enough or simply not possible, Whole Sleep can help get you back on track with
natural herbs and organic compounds that work WITH your body.

Our eyes and optic nerve directly impact our circadian rhythm, and are governed by the light cycle.

Prioritize natural light exposure on waking and limit artificial light exposure (especially from TV’s, computers and phones) before bed.


Whole Sleep Contains 9 Herbs and Organic Compounds to
Support Your Body’s Natural Sleep Cycle

Valerian Root

Known as nature’s sleep aid. Improves response to physical and psychological stress by maintaining levels of serotonin, a brain chemical involved in mood regulation.

Passion Flower

Passion Flower has been shown to improve sleep quality and reduce stress and anxiety. It can be a great alternative for hormone therapy in menopause and perimenopause.

Lemon Balm

A perennial herb from the mint family. Contains a compound with potent antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Improves mood, cognitive performance, sleep and restlessness.


A natural relaxant that promotes sleepiness and reduces insomnia. It has also been shown to promote restful sleep and reduce night time awakening.


Has a calming effect on the body, reducing anxiety. When scarce, the body preferentially uses B6 for metabolic functions, but it’s also needed for mood regulation. It helps the body convert tryptophan into serotonin, which assists in production of Melatonin - essential for feeling sleepy and falling asleep.


An amino acid your body uses to produce serotonin (low levels are associated with depression, anxiety, sleep disorders and more), which can be converted into the hormone melatonin. It may improve sleep quality and increase sleep time and quality. It makes you happy and relaxed.


Found naturally in green tea, black tea, and certain types of mushrooms. It can affect the levels of certain chemicals in the brain, including serotonin and dopamine, which influence mood, sleep, emotion, and cortisol, helping the body deal with stress.


Melatonin is a hormone produced naturally by the pineal gland in your brain that regulates when you get tired, and helps improve sleep time and quality. It should rise in the evening, but factors like light exposure, stress and erratic schedule can disrupt it - so a small amount can help reset you and help you fall - and stay asleep.


GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is a chemical messenger (neurotransmitter) that helps regulate nerve impulses in your brain and nervous system. By inhibiting neural activity, GABA facilitates sleep, reduces mental and physical stress, lowers anxiety, and creates a calm state.


Better Sleep Guide

Included with your first order!

Upgrade Your Sleep for a strong body,
healthy mind and rocking life!

More About Whole Sleep

Whole Sleep Bottle.

Whole Sleep contains valerian root (Valeriana officinalis), passion flower (Passiflora incarnata), and lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), all safe nervine botanicals known for their relaxant properties and ability to reduce tension and promote sleep, without causing morning grogginess.Valerian root has demonstrated sedative effects due to its ability to induce the release of GABA from brain tissue. It has been suggested that the passion flower and German chamomile (Matricaria recubita) component apigenin binds to central benzodiazepine receptors, possibly causing anxiety reducing effects without impairing memory, diminishing motor skills, or causing drowsiness upon awakening. Lemon balm has been suggested to improve calmness via the inhibitory action of GABA, similar to benzodiazepine, but without the overt side-effects of these medications. Direct stimulation of Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), the main calming neurotransmitter in the body, is provided with a new form of GABA known as PharmaGABA, a proprietary material naturally manufactured via a fermentation process and considered more effective than other traditional, chemically produced synthetic forms. In addition, support of calming neurotransmitter production is provided with the inclusion of L-theanine, clinically proven to reduce stress and improve the quality of sleep.Whole Sleep also includes melatonin, a multifunctional hormone whose main role lies in its involvement in the control of the circadian (day/night) biological rhythms. Melatonin mediates the body's response to variations of natural light availability from indoor/outdoor exposure or due to seasons (winter/summer). Darkness into the eye tells the brain to make melatonin so the body can prepare for sleep mode. Its production should peak at night and it is instrumental for maintaining quality sleep patterns. Melatonin production declines significantly with age, often causing sleep difficulties associated with aging. Supplemental melatonin was shown in studies to help with falling asleep when taken about 30 minutes before the desired sleep time. The most common dose found effective for sleep was 3mg - which is exactly what we've included in Whole Sleep.5-HTP can be used in conjunction with melatonin, as a precursor to serotonin, which can further support endogenous melatonin production during the night to help with staying asleep. When using 5-HTP for enhancing serotonin and melatonin production to promote healthy mood and sleep, the addition of the synergistic nutrient pyridoxal-5-phosphate, an activated form of vitamin B6, is suggested to catalyze the conversion of 5-HTP to serotonin (5-HT).

Supplements table.

Suggested Dosage:
Take 2 capsules, 30 to 60 minutes prior to bedtime.

Who should take Whole Sleep:
Whole Sleep is ideal for those experiencing difficulty getting to sleep, or staying asleep through the night.

Caution with GABA:
Due to the inclusion of GABA, this product is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women, as well as young children, unless under the guidance of a health care practitioner.

Conditions for which melatonin is not recommended:

  • Autoimmune conditions such as lupus or arthritis, because the immune stimulatory effect of melatonin may exacerbate the action of certain types of lymphocytes or B-cells involved in the pathogenic course of these diseases
  • Immune-related cancers such as lymphoma and leukemia
  • Pregnancy, lactation or during the time where fertility is desired

Interactions with drug therapy:
Melatonin and 5-HTP may not be suitable to administer along with SSRI and MAOI medications and corticosteroid therapy. Please discuss this with your health care provider before using Whole Sleep with these medication classes.

Supplements table.

Quality Support for Your Whole Body, by Whole Betty

Whole Betty.

I was inspired to create the Whole Betty product line when I found myself at a loss to find the level of quality supplements I was looking for to support my own health and fitness journey.

I was determined to create whole food based products free of additives, artificial ingredients and fillers - that tasted great, were affordable, and that I looked forward to using. Join me behind the scenes inside the facility where our products are lovingly made, and find out why I use these products myself daily, share them with my friends and family, and most importantly with YOU!

Whole Betty.

This Unicorn Seal represents that magic that exists when we give ourselves the love we deserve by eating, moving and thinking in ways that support our body, the people around us, and the world we live in.

What Our Rockstars are Saying About
Whole Sleep...

“The biggest thing I've noticed is the difference Whole Sleep is making in my sleep temperature.”- Amy H.

“I'm now getting 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.”- Shannon H.


"Before I started Whole Sleep I had a brain that wandered FAR at night, battled insomnia, had problems with waking and getting back to sleep, and only slept 4-7 hours.

I noticed an immediate difference. From night one to day one, I felt so much better in how I was sleeping through the night, and how I felt the next day. My body feels different, my sleep feels different and overall I feel better! I plan to continue to use this product in the future and would recommend it to anyone who is having any questions about their sleep. "

- Liz H.

"I would definitely recommend the product. I find that when I get up I am more wide awake right away, ready to start the day.

I feel like I really don’t need coffee right away anymore. I feel like I wake up less in the night and I sleep more deeply."

- Marci K.

“Taking this product I was able to get to sleep no problem, I stayed asleep and I didn't wake up throughout the night like I usually do.”- Sherri J.

"I wake up feeling refreshed every morning - full of energy."- Carrie Ann H.


"I couldn’t wait for my little package to arrive. I have been prescribed sleep aids and have used over the counter ones before this. They all made me feel awful even if I was able to get a full 8 hours of sleep. I tried straight melatonin as well. It helped me fall asleep quicker but the quality of keep I was getting did not change. A typical night, without sleep aides...5-7 hours of tossing and turning, waking up and staying awake.

Since I started taking Whole Sleep, I find myself falling asleep easier, quicker. Once I fall asleep I stay asleep. I haven’t been tossing and turning. The best part, I feel rested when I wake. It has worked wonderfully for me."

- Karey H.

"I feel like it has improved the quality of my sleep. I have been waking up only once....about 3 AM... and pretty much falling back to sleep quickly (which is unusual for me as my mind usually ramps up and doesn't allow this).

I have also been waking up before the alarm goes off.....I just wake up and feel ready to get up. So, I definitely feel like this is a sign of more thorough sleep."

- Nancy B.

A quality night's rest will...

  • Improve memory, alertness and focus
  • More efficiently break down fat
  • More efficiently add lean muscle
  • Balance and improve mood
  • Heal and restore the body each day

Taking this product I was able to get to sleep no problem, I stayed asleep and I didn't wake up throughout the night like I usually do.

- Sherri J

Whole Sleep

Support your body’s natural sleep cycle with Whole Sleep: to help you fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up refreshed!


Products are automatically delivered on your schedule. No obligation, modify or cancel your subscription anytime.


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A quality night's rest will...

  • Improve memory, alertness and focus
  • More efficiently break down fat
  • More efficiently add lean muscle
  • Balance and improve mood
  • Heal and restore the body each day

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An all-natural, non-habit forming stress relief supplement to bring more serenity and calm to your body and mind.

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